Saturday, April 30, 2022


My moms birthday is coming up (May 6)! We are currently trying to figure out what to make for her. She likes any food we make (at least, that's what she tells us) but I don't know if she has been craving anything in particular lately. My sister wants to make a fruit tart and I was thinking of getting a strawberry cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory. Might have to do a bit of investigating to see if there is something particular she wants. If all else fails I may just ask her directly.

We also need a cake. She really likes the cakes from this café called "Paris Baguette", but I'm personally a fan of the "Nothing Bunt Cakes" cakes. Plus, we get cakes from PB all the time so I may just compromise and look for a brand new place to order a cake! If all else fails I can just make it up to her on the 8th or the 10th (Mothers day in America and Mexico).

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Scheduled Blogs

Okay so I had no idea you could schedule these blogs to go up at specific times which is absolutely amazing! But, I was given a fair warning that it would not work all of the time so I will try to keep an aye out for that. In the meantime, I am totally going to figure out what I want to write about in the next post and start typing it now! Other than that there is not much to say. I am making a lot more progress with my new bird! She is always very scared compared to my other two birds. She is definitely the youngest and smallest so I understand. Her brother ended up passing away unexpectedly so I know she feels a lot more lonely. But! She has been getting less scared of getting on my hand which is amazing! I would go and try to get her a friend, but they are about $200 each and I already spent $700 on bird #2 soooooo.... human affection will have to do for the time being. Here is a picture of Tweety. Yes. Tweety. Okay I don't exactly know the gender of my bird, so I went with that name. In this picture you can see a bird ready for naptime. What is not depicted in these images were the 20 minutes I spent looking for my bird because she was not in her usual spots.

Monday, April 25, 2022

TD08 3D Model

3D models look super cool! I have not had the chance to use it personally, but it will definitely be something I try to incorporate in a future project! I had no idea you could even zoom in on the model or even rotate the model to show certain angles. Would have loved to know this info back in high school.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

The Kinder Egg

There is not much to talk about today honestly. Very nice weather we are having. So instead of boring everyone with a story, here is a Kinder egg. Yes, a real one. I found it in a Mexican store. 10/10 would get again. If there is a word minimum I apologize but there isn't much to say about this egg haha

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Part time

I am trying to save up for a house. I know that nowadays that seems way out of of reach because of pricing, but i think i have been doing well enough to go for it sometime around the end of the year/beginning of next year. I was thinking of getting a small part time job so i can have the money for myself. My main job would provide for all my bills and everything else that remains could go into my savings. However, I don't know many jobs willing to hire for only around 15-20 hours a week. Good thing there's not too much rush right now!

Monday, April 18, 2022


So yesterday was Easter so happy Easter to everyone! And if you do not celebrate Easter then happy Sunday! and I hope you guys all enjoyed or at least took advantage of this spring break! My family and I went to Zion which we had not been to in a couple of years so it was very nice to see something else other than buildings everywhere. I played with my little cousins near a river which was super cold. They were all trying to skip rocks at some point and everything just felt perfect. Nice weather, my family all here having a fun time, no cell phones, and so many snacks. But, that's all I really have to say sooo....
I will end my blog with a joke.

Did you know that alligators can live up to 50 years? That's why there is an increased chance that they will see you later.

You guys can roll your eyes now haha!

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Super Crooks, WandaVision, and the prank that never was

Okay, I did my part. I watched the first episode of 'Super Crooks'. In the beginning it was a bit odd. Funny, but odd. I don't think I was supposed to laugh when everyone died, but it was honestly what the first episode needed. I'm glad the first episode included the last 5 minutes instead of leaving on a cliff hanger and continuing on episode 2. I would have probably stopped watching haha.

Now that I am actually going to continue watching this anime, it's my friends turn to watch 'WandaVision'. He was the one that recommended the anime, but the catch was that he has to watch a show I pick as well. I absolutely can not wait for the next season! Also, anyone else excited to see 'Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness'?!?!

Lastly, I got an update. Not what I expected, but an update nonetheless. So my mom was unaware of what I was planning, and went to go pick up my sister from the party. However, in doing so, she took the gift with her and gave it to the birthday girl when she arrived. Thankfully she had switched the gifts at least because it would have been pretty funny and messed up to open your gift and its all just broken. But, the next day I went up to my sister and just showed her the broken gift. The first thing that comes out of her mouth is "Did I really just give my friend a big birthday bag with only a lotion and body spray?!" I was just about to tell her what happened when she said that. Hey, not what I planned, but a plan nonetheless.

I let her believe that for like 5 minutes until I told her that there was a replacement inside. She was not a happy camper though during those few minutes she believed me haha!

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Beauty and The Beast (short version)

Okay, Mistakes were made so here I am again.

Basically, my sister went to a quinceañera the other day, and completely forgot the birthday girls gift. In an effort to save the gift from falling off my bed, I graciously picked up. And proceeded to drop it on the floor. Good job me. So I went to go pick up a replacement at the same store she bought the first gift.

Unfortunately for my sister, my mom decided to have a kid before her. Me. And me being the older sister, I decided I would seize this opportunity by reenacting the first time I dropped the bag, but with the broken gift inside of course. You can see what happened already on my new blog posted today.

Monday, April 4, 2022


Today I took my MOS exam and passed! It feels good to have one more thing checked off my to do list! I also got to present my slideshow on Saturday. I was not too excited for that, but I'm glad I wont have to worry about it anymore! When we were comparing the original to the final version presented on the projector, you could tell my font was too small to read. Overall, I appreciated the feedback and presenting wasn't as bad as I thought.