Monday, April 25, 2022

TD08 3D Model

3D models look super cool! I have not had the chance to use it personally, but it will definitely be something I try to incorporate in a future project! I had no idea you could even zoom in on the model or even rotate the model to show certain angles. Would have loved to know this info back in high school.


  1. Yes, 3D models are super cool!

    They are available not just in PowerPoint, but Word and Excel as well :-)

  2. 3D model was an interesting and fun topic for me as well.

  3. 3D model was fun, I could've used it for my presentation

  4. I have never used a 3D model either, but it was fun learning about it.

  5. 3D models were pretty fun to learn about. I didn't even think it was possible through PowerPoint.

  6. I had no experience with 3D models before LabSim, so that was an informative experience, getting to use them for the first time.

  7. I agree 3D Models are very handy to use in PowerPoint.

  8. I wish I had incorporated a 3D model in my slideshow presentation.

  9. I agree. It is a really cool feature. Especially when I see that you can zoom without distorting the image.

  10. 3D models are super cool in slideshows, it makes it pop.

  11. I like how many features from Word and Excel are used in Power Point. It's all very seamless.

  12. 3D modeling is super cool! A few friends of mine have experience with 3D modeling and i love watching them work.
