Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Scheduled Blogs

Okay so I had no idea you could schedule these blogs to go up at specific times which is absolutely amazing! But, I was given a fair warning that it would not work all of the time so I will try to keep an aye out for that. In the meantime, I am totally going to figure out what I want to write about in the next post and start typing it now! Other than that there is not much to say. I am making a lot more progress with my new bird! She is always very scared compared to my other two birds. She is definitely the youngest and smallest so I understand. Her brother ended up passing away unexpectedly so I know she feels a lot more lonely. But! She has been getting less scared of getting on my hand which is amazing! I would go and try to get her a friend, but they are about $200 each and I already spent $700 on bird #2 soooooo.... human affection will have to do for the time being. Here is a picture of Tweety. Yes. Tweety. Okay I don't exactly know the gender of my bird, so I went with that name. In this picture you can see a bird ready for naptime. What is not depicted in these images were the 20 minutes I spent looking for my bird because she was not in her usual spots.


  1. How cute of Tweety hiding in the rug and peeking out :-)

    Glad you are writing your blog post ahead of time ^_^

    Definitely double-check to ensure a post actually publishes.

  2. Birds are cool, but I prefer cats over them because my cousin used have birds and the noises they made were irritating to me overtime.

  3. She's cute, peeping out from under the top of her cage like that.

    Birds are cool.

  4. Those are some expensive birds! Probably well worth it though lol.

  5. I didn't know you could schedule the blogs to go up at specific times either, I will definitely check that out.

  6. Hello Tweety, looking pretty comfortable under there.

  7. Birds are weird pets in my opinion.

  8. That's cool. I might just type up blogs and have them automatically go up when I need them too. But your birds are super cute.
