Saturday, April 30, 2022


My moms birthday is coming up (May 6)! We are currently trying to figure out what to make for her. She likes any food we make (at least, that's what she tells us) but I don't know if she has been craving anything in particular lately. My sister wants to make a fruit tart and I was thinking of getting a strawberry cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory. Might have to do a bit of investigating to see if there is something particular she wants. If all else fails I may just ask her directly.

We also need a cake. She really likes the cakes from this café called "Paris Baguette", but I'm personally a fan of the "Nothing Bunt Cakes" cakes. Plus, we get cakes from PB all the time so I may just compromise and look for a brand new place to order a cake! If all else fails I can just make it up to her on the 8th or the 10th (Mothers day in America and Mexico).


  1. So her birthday (May 6) is sandwiched between Cinco de Mayo (May 5) and Mother's Day (May 10)?

    What a week of celebration for your mom ^_^

    Good luck with your investigation on if there is something particular she wants :-)

  2. I'm all for fruit tarts...cherry or apple would probably be really good right now. We should be getting cherries in from California really soon, if we haven't started getting them already.

    They would make a delicious filling.

  3. Fruit tarts are definitely the best. I really like Paris Baguette cakes or cakes from Asian bakeries because they aren't sweet like American cakes.

  4. Nothing Bunt Cakes are delicious. I'm not the biggest cake fan, but I do particularly enjoy those.

  5. Happy Birthday and Happy Mother's Day! I too am biased to nothing bundt cakes. I got my partner a birthday cake from a bakery in Summerlin called Rolling in Dough and it was great!

  6. I've had Nothing Bunt Cakes, but I've never heard of this Paris Baguette place, I gots to check it out. Happy Early B-Day to your mom by the by!

  7. Happy birthday to your mom, I'm sure anything you get her she will appreciate it.

  8. Usually a pedicure or a massage is the way to go for gifts along with a nice meal.

  9. Happy belated birthday to your mom. I hope she got the cheesecake. Can't go wrong with that.

  10. The Cheesecake Factory is super good! Happy belated birthday to your mom!

  11. Happy birthday! I love fruit tarts. They're my dad's favorite too.
