Saturday, May 7, 2022

The good and bad

Good news! I finally start my new job on Tuesday. It was such a long process but I can't wait. I was given the final paperwork to sign and was told same day that it was my last day in my current position. The day was bittersweet on my last day especially for my other co worker since we need all the help we can get at the station. But! It's time to move on.

Bad news! That same day, I was trying to help as much as I could before leaving so it wouldn't be too bad. At some point I dropped my phone and cracked my screen. Not only was it cracked, but I could no longer see 1/3 of my screen. I had to spend money on a new phone that was not worth it. It was either a new phone or a $340 screen repair.

So I guess that was life grounding me back to reality. I knew things were going too well. Nonetheless, it was a good day regardless of what this blog probably sounds like in your head. Have a good days guys!


  1. Congratulations on finally able to start your new job role ^_^

    I think it overshadows the need to buy a new phone :-)

  2. Congratulations on your new job. $340 for a cracked screen no. If it happens again go here Wireless Toyz - iPhone Repair Specialists on Washington and Rancho. $80 to fix my iPhone screen after it cracked.

  3. Congratulations again! Sorry about the phone, though.

  4. So exciting to start your new job. I know that cracking your screen sucked, I would not have paid $340 either.

  5. Things are so expensive nowadays. You could probably get a new phone for that price. Congrats on your new job.

  6. Congrats on the new job position! It's always exciting to start a new chapter in life.

  7. Congrats on the new position! Hope it's a smooth transition!

  8. That's an awful amount to pay for a cracked screen! I agree with Jamie about getting your phone fixed at that place ^

  9. Congratulation on your new position, I think that was a lot to fix a crack screen as well.

  10. Congrats on the new job! I'm about to be starting my new job soon as well!

  11. Congrats on the new job! but dang. What a drag about your phone!!
