Monday, May 9, 2022

The Lego Store

This is probably going to be the dorkiest thing I write this semester but here it goes.

I applied for a job at the Lego Store. If you guys remember about a week ago I mentioned that I was looking for a second job. I applied to a bunch of places, but the one place I really wanted to hear back from was from them. I wanted to apply somewhere I feel like I could actually enjoy. If I'm going to be working 65 hours a week, I would prefer to at least have fun in 25 of those haha! Hopefully all goes well!


  1. Well said about if you're going to be working 65 hours a week, you would want to at least have fun in 25 of those hours ^_^

    I hope the Lego Store choose you for an interview and you get the job :-)

  2. Not dorky at all, it make sense. I totally agree you should have fun working harder. Keeping my fingers cross for you.

  3. I was a major fan of Legos as a kid. Especially the pirate collection(s).

    I hope they give you a call.

  4. Good luck, I got my fingers crossed!

  5. Honestly that sounds pretty cool. Good luck to you!

  6. I hope you get the job at the Lego Store. When you enjoy what you do, it makes going to work a pleasure.

  7. Hopefully all goes well and you get the job!

  8. yoo i watch lego tiktoks and that seems so cool!
