Saturday, May 14, 2022


Okay, so my search for a part time job has definitely been difficult. I applied to many jobs and got interviews for several. I kept getting told that I did really good on my interview and that they would like to hire me, but I need to have more flexibility on my schedule. Which has resulted in me turning down my 3rd job this week alone. I need to find a place that can benefit from having someone during the day rather than at night. Other than that, life has been crazy, but it has been getting so much better.... in some areas. I was thinking of maybe working with a wedding photographer since I am a licensed Officiant and I know that many couples would like to have the option to get married where they choose instead of having to go into a chapel. However, I now work Friday/Saturdays so that will definitely not be possible since couples like getting married on weekends for obvious reasons haha! But, I will keep looking and see if anyone is willing to take me in.


  1. Keep up the pavement-pounding, you will find an employer that can work with your schedule :-)

    You are a licensed Officiant? Very cool ^_^

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If you want part time in the daytime try convenient stores like 7-11, short line express, rebel.

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  5. Keep looking it will happen eventually. No one wants to work the night shift so they will always have availability for the night shift.

  6. wow! i've never met a licensed Officiant. super cool!

  7. I love owners are "desperate for workers," but then immediately, when they find an appealing candidate, start demanding they be more "flexible" with their schedule.

    How about this: How about businesses start "being more flexible" for a change?

    Good on you, though, for turning them down; they were just testing you, to see if you'll stand up for yourself, because they don't want that. They want employees who will do whatever they're asked/told to do, and drop everything else for them, with zero boundaries.

    Don't be that employee; it never pays in the end.

  8. Licensed Officiant? That is really cool! I hope you can do something with that. Good luck!

  9. Keep trying and I wish you all the best.
