Thursday, May 19, 2022

The surprise birthday party

I wasn't sure what to write about for my last post. So, I will share something I found out about a few weeks ago. My sister told me that my family is planning a surprise party for me in October. The reason she told me is because my mom initially wanted to tell me, but my sister convinced her that it would be best that it was a secret. But, I guess she realized that it wouldn't work out because they wanted me to invite my coworkers and friends. My sister also told me that she wanted to buy the dress I would wear but once again she would have no reason to buy me a dress unless she told me the reason why. So she had no choice but to fess up haha!
I hope you guys have a great summer!


  1. Planning a birthday party five to six months in advance? They are serious about celebration or love you a lot or both :-)

    I am proud to be your professor for IS101-3010, Spring 2022!

    Happy October birthday, Jesica ^_^

  2. Best wishes for your birthday. Have a great summer.

  3. Sounds like a lot of fun. Happy Birthday.

  4. wow so soon! Happy early birthday! hope it ends up being exciting and surprising

  5. Have a happy birthday and you can still act surprised

  6. Happy birthday. They couldn't keep it away from you, even though they tried. Hahaha!!!
