Thursday, April 21, 2022

Part time

I am trying to save up for a house. I know that nowadays that seems way out of of reach because of pricing, but i think i have been doing well enough to go for it sometime around the end of the year/beginning of next year. I was thinking of getting a small part time job so i can have the money for myself. My main job would provide for all my bills and everything else that remains could go into my savings. However, I don't know many jobs willing to hire for only around 15-20 hours a week. Good thing there's not too much rush right now!


  1. Saving up for a house? How exciting!

    Good luck on finding a part-time job :-)

  2. Weirdly, finding part-time work now is kind of hard, because all these businesses are saying that they're understaffed and desperately need people working more hours. They don't want somebody willing to work less than thirty hours a week right now.

  3. I really hope that works out for you! Saving for a house is a huge step.

  4. Buying a house is a big deal, stick with your plan, take it one step at a time and your dreams will come through.

  5. I can't wait until I will be able to do the same thing one day.

  6. If you want low hours do fast food and try Big lots they like to give 15 hours a week its easier to get in and they don't trip if your not full time. Buying a house is a long process but just do one step at a time. I'm in the same situation building credit and saving for a house. I plan on buying after I graduate.

  7. Be ready for your bills to double lol. I knew my bills would jump after moving into a house from an apartment, but DANG man lol.

  8. Good luck on having a part time job and a full time job, you will be tired all the time, but you got it!

  9. Saving for a house is exciting, I am in the same boat.

  10. How exciting! I've been thinking of moving out but maybe only to an apartment first haha.

  11. That is one of the best investments you could do right now. It is worth it.

  12. Along with a good job, budgeting is the best tip I can give. Cut back on unnecessary expenses especially eating out.
