Monday, April 18, 2022


So yesterday was Easter so happy Easter to everyone! And if you do not celebrate Easter then happy Sunday! and I hope you guys all enjoyed or at least took advantage of this spring break! My family and I went to Zion which we had not been to in a couple of years so it was very nice to see something else other than buildings everywhere. I played with my little cousins near a river which was super cold. They were all trying to skip rocks at some point and everything just felt perfect. Nice weather, my family all here having a fun time, no cell phones, and so many snacks. But, that's all I really have to say sooo....
I will end my blog with a joke.

Did you know that alligators can live up to 50 years? That's why there is an increased chance that they will see you later.

You guys can roll your eyes now haha!


  1. Glad you spend Easter with your family enjoying the beauty of Zion ^_^

    See you later alligator ;-p

  2. I have always wanted to go to Zion. I bet it was a very nice refresher.

  3. I haven't been to Zion yet, but it looks really impressive.

    We had plans to go before the pandemic wrecked everything, so maybe now that things are (slowly) straightening out, we'll be able to go.

  4. Sounds like a fun quiet family outing. Sometimes that all you need, a relax get together with family, I miss that.

  5. I actually liked the joke, I'm gonna have to steal it now, sorry not sorry lol jk.

  6. zion park is amazing! its been years since i've last went but everytime i go, its a blast!

  7. Happy Easter. Nvr been to Zion but sounds fun and I'll look into. After while crocodile

  8. I've always wanted to go to Zion. Seems like a nice place to celebrate with family.

  9. Zion is a fun place to go to. Not sure if I've ever been or not, but it sounds cool.

  10. I am now looking into Zion, it seems cool. I loved the joke!

  11. Zion is beautiful, I went back in 2019 and hiked Angel's Landing.

  12. I researched Zion to see what it was and found it pretty interesting.
