Thursday, May 19, 2022

The surprise birthday party

I wasn't sure what to write about for my last post. So, I will share something I found out about a few weeks ago. My sister told me that my family is planning a surprise party for me in October. The reason she told me is because my mom initially wanted to tell me, but my sister convinced her that it would be best that it was a secret. But, I guess she realized that it wouldn't work out because they wanted me to invite my coworkers and friends. My sister also told me that she wanted to buy the dress I would wear but once again she would have no reason to buy me a dress unless she told me the reason why. So she had no choice but to fess up haha!
I hope you guys have a great summer!

Saturday, May 14, 2022


Okay, so my search for a part time job has definitely been difficult. I applied to many jobs and got interviews for several. I kept getting told that I did really good on my interview and that they would like to hire me, but I need to have more flexibility on my schedule. Which has resulted in me turning down my 3rd job this week alone. I need to find a place that can benefit from having someone during the day rather than at night. Other than that, life has been crazy, but it has been getting so much better.... in some areas. I was thinking of maybe working with a wedding photographer since I am a licensed Officiant and I know that many couples would like to have the option to get married where they choose instead of having to go into a chapel. However, I now work Friday/Saturdays so that will definitely not be possible since couples like getting married on weekends for obvious reasons haha! But, I will keep looking and see if anyone is willing to take me in.

Monday, May 9, 2022

The Lego Store

This is probably going to be the dorkiest thing I write this semester but here it goes.

I applied for a job at the Lego Store. If you guys remember about a week ago I mentioned that I was looking for a second job. I applied to a bunch of places, but the one place I really wanted to hear back from was from them. I wanted to apply somewhere I feel like I could actually enjoy. If I'm going to be working 65 hours a week, I would prefer to at least have fun in 25 of those haha! Hopefully all goes well!

Saturday, May 7, 2022

The good and bad

Good news! I finally start my new job on Tuesday. It was such a long process but I can't wait. I was given the final paperwork to sign and was told same day that it was my last day in my current position. The day was bittersweet on my last day especially for my other co worker since we need all the help we can get at the station. But! It's time to move on.

Bad news! That same day, I was trying to help as much as I could before leaving so it wouldn't be too bad. At some point I dropped my phone and cracked my screen. Not only was it cracked, but I could no longer see 1/3 of my screen. I had to spend money on a new phone that was not worth it. It was either a new phone or a $340 screen repair.

So I guess that was life grounding me back to reality. I knew things were going too well. Nonetheless, it was a good day regardless of what this blog probably sounds like in your head. Have a good days guys!