Saturday, March 26, 2022

TD07 & the interview

Hey! So I am currently unable to access all other blogger posts here at work, but I wanted to post something real quick. Yesterday a manager came up to me to tell me I have been selected for an interview! I was unable to apply for a new position until I was a year into my first promotion, but now that I am a year in I am super excited for what is to come! I have been eyeing this particular position for 7 months now so I am super excited to have the opportunity to do the interview! I will come back and add about a topic I learned if I need to, but for now that is all.

I am back! 

Data protection is such an amazing tool! Many people do not know how to navigate through Excel well, so it is one less thing to worry about when trying to share files. People can also unintentionally change something which could cause formulas or special rules to no longer work. I really like the fact that we can also add a pin so people who are intentionally trying to change data can not do so either.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

TD06 & the bad news

Endnotes!!! The best thing I learned in word. I used to manually type in the numbers and change the font so it would look like an endnote. This would ultimately take like 10 minutes to make sure it did not look too out of place.

Lately I've been bummed out. I had an appointment last week and it did not turn out the way I was hoping. My doctor said I was still not cleared to drive due to ongoing symptoms. But, I was given a little bit of hope with my next appointment. Hopefully by the end of this month I am cleared to get my license back! Definitely a rough 8 months but I already made it this far. I guess that's all I have to share for today.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Introspective blog

I wanted to come back to school this semester because I want to get my Associates next year. Last year was hectic to say the least, but now that things have settled down just a bit I decided to give school another shot. Part of me was excited to come back. Another part of me was scared that I would not be able to keep up since its been over a year since I took classes. But, this semester is better than initially anticipated! My proudest moment this semester hands down is when I took the Word unit exam... and I didn't even know it. Since I was behind on a lot of assignments I prioritized assignments by due dates. I saw all the assignments that were due by Saturday, and noticed that there was an "assignment" that was due by 2pm. That immediately set off alarms in my head and I just clicked on the exam and started it. I had no idea we were even supposed to do the practice labs first. For the first few minutes I remember thinking "Dang. It's a little hard to focus when the professor is talking about the bonus quiz answers....Wait. It's timed?!... HOW MANY LABS?!?!" Despite all of this, I still got a 95%! So, I guess it all worked out in the end! 😁

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

File Extensions

Something new I learned in this chapter is file extensions. when saving documents to a computer, a dropdown is available for you to change extensions. I would usually use the extension already preset by the computer without giving it a second thought. Now I am able to change the extensions which is great for editing certain pieces of information! Or, if I want to keep a file as is, I can go ahead and change the file extension so no further changes are made.