Wednesday, March 2, 2022

File Extensions

Something new I learned in this chapter is file extensions. when saving documents to a computer, a dropdown is available for you to change extensions. I would usually use the extension already preset by the computer without giving it a second thought. Now I am able to change the extensions which is great for editing certain pieces of information! Or, if I want to keep a file as is, I can go ahead and change the file extension so no further changes are made.


  1. Very glad to hear Chapter 2 Computer Essentials taught you about file extensions :-)

    Hmm... changing the file extension of a file just to prevent further changes from being made is a little drastic as it will likely require a different software program to open that file. Are you thinking of saving a Microsoft Office document (e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint) to a PDF? A less drastic option to prevent change for a Word/Excel/PowerPoint is to protect the document.

  2. I was familiar with extensions, to the extent that I could recognize them, and know what platform an extension corresponded to, but I didn't actually understand the mechanics of file extensions until I started preparing for the Bonus Quiz.

    I definitely do not find them..."bewildering" like I did before.

  3. File extensions really come in handy when you need to save something as a PDF to send to someone.

  4. There are many different file extensions that I was not aware of prior to this course. Was great to learn about them in Chapter 2.

  5. I learned a lot with file extensions. Usually just use PDF for work

  6. I was familiar with it already, but this chapter gave me more clarity.

  7. I learned about file extension also. If I am correct, I think we had a quiz on it as well.

  8. Understanding the use of the file extensions has helped me drastically in saving, changing and sending documents at work.

  9. Learning about file extensions is great use for every situation. Great job!

  10. I am familiar with file extension also. I perform this task once per month at work with reports. I didn't know the reason behind it. Learning about file extension is like a missing piece of puzzle that finally fits. That's how I feel about finally knowing what file extension is.

  11. They're really interesting to learn more about, since I usually just brush the idea of them over.

  12. Knowing how to change file extensions is a very useful tool.

  13. I already was changing file extensions in the past but I was not fully aware of what I was doing in the past.
