Saturday, February 26, 2022


I was surprised to see that the topic of cloud computing and storage was not a topic previously discussed considering it is something I use on a daily basis. The cloud is an amazing tool...until it's not. Being able to open up any document on any device is such a time saver! That being said, a windy day and a fallen tree could be the difference between convenience and absolute panic. Even if it is a perfect day, the internet is working just fine, and you are ready to sit down and enjoy a snack while you work. Then suddenly you see a page that says "page currently unavailable" or " ______ is experiencing downtime."

Even though I use the cloud to save passwords, I always try to remember all my important logins by memory just in case I am not able to rely on my original sources.


  1. The convenience of omnipresence access has its price: must have connectivity!

    It's good that you remember all your important credentials. What if you are incapacitated or simply need a designee to access your important accounts?

  2. This is why I always suggest keeping hard copies of super important papers or photo's, someday a country or a crazy person will fry our systems and poof bye bye cloud and everything that was on it. I usually keep everything both on the cloud and saved to my devices, but I also go the extra mile of printing out important photos and documents just in case.

  3. Same I relied on the cloud remembering everything till I had to remember myself. I now write everything down and keep it in a safe spot

  4. I don't really use the cloud as much as I used to now that I have a PC. I also keep all my passwords memorized.

  5. Wow, good point I should make my spouse know how to access my passwords in case of an emergency.

  6. I typed all my usernames and passwords in a note on my phone. Don't know how safe that truly is, but it's okay.

  7. Like some other folks have already said, I appreciate the versatility and efficiency of cloud storage, and cloud-based computing.

    Having said that, like Ivan said, I keep hard copies of anything important, and keep localized versions on my device as well. Who knows when cloud access could be rendered temporarily unavailable.

  8. I try to write down most of my important usernames and passwords on my phone so I can privately access them.

  9. Being let down by the cloud is the reason I have a list of the passwords that I don't use often enough to remember.

  10. It is good to have back-ups for your important documents, but I must say, cloud computing is so convenient.

  11. I have backup hard copies of my user name and password as well. In spite of technology manual maybe slower but more reliable.

  12. Cloud storage is definitely really fascinating! I heard that Cloud technology is a super valuable career path/field nowadays and I totally understand why now.

  13. Using cloud saver is really useful. I am very forgetful and I often worry about losing or breaking my phone cloud storage gives me a insurance that my information is safe.
