Saturday, January 22, 2022

One Year Later

My first day back after one year definitely felt similar to the last time I was here. The last semester that I had classes, they were all done online and that was not fun to say the least. I did also notice that the buildings were more empty than before. The classroom environment itself is also very refreshing to see again. It could just be that I got used to how things were before, but I feel like it is easier to study in school than at home.

Taking IS101 in person definitely helps when it comes to having questions. Email is a good source of communication, but there are times where certain things are time sensitive. Or as we continue on with an assignment, there are more questions. Having an instructor that seems passionate about what they do is a big plus.


  1. Yes, nothing beats in-person interaction and real-time communication!

    Thank you for seeing my passion for doing what I do :-)

    Welcome back to CSN and welcome to IS101-3010, Spring 2022 ^_^

  2. I know the feeling, I haven't been back to CSN in almost 3 years so, I know what you mean by that. Being in class is so weird and different that it does bring back other memories.
    I agree with you, email is an easier form of communication that makes it easy to track and remember conversations.

  3. I wholeheartedly agree, at home learning is fine for a small DIY project using YouTube, but I don't think it was meant for more in depths subjects such as IS101. I have a horrible time trying to keep focused when I watch videos, and it's much worse when I have my video games tempting me to get distracted. I prefer a classroom setting, because the classroom itself demands respect, it reminds you where your money is going and why you should keep focused. I can't wait to meet everyone!

  4. Yes I agree, In person is so much better. This is my first semester having an online class and hybrid and its interesting.

  5. I am currently doing both in-person and online and so far I don't have a preference, but I agree that in person allows for more hands on with certain courses so that's a plus.

  6. I feel it. I hate taking online courses for that exact reason. I'm impatient and when I don't get the answer that I need to my question right away, I just get frustrated, but it is what it is.

  7. When schools went to remote learning, I was not taking any classes at the time so I am thankful for that. I am more of an in-person learner then online, so I am so glad classes are back to in-person.

  8. I totally agree that taking IS101 in person helps a lot and helps me learn where I can do something correctly. And the classroom environment is refreshing, but sometimes I miss the comfort of my home.

  9. It's definitely kind of surreal, being back on a physical campus, doing all the things that used to seem perfectly normal before all this. It all seems like a total blur...folks were in class, then suddenly they weren't.

    I can still remember scrambling to try and get remote printing from Office Depot, because the campus copy centers had all shut down, I don't own a printer, and I was frantically trying to get hard copies of certain things. Total craziness.

  10. It is also my first semester in about a year. I could not enroll in courses last semester to some mishaps between myself and certain counselors, but that's alright. I preferred to have remote courses, since the classroom environment isn't great for me and also the pandemic risks are still up and around; However I don't want to hold off on progressing my career and overall life path by simply not enrolling in what was available.

  11. I agree: in person is the best. Fortunately, we have a teacher who is always there to help out people like you and me and all the other classmates who suffer a similar fate.

  12. I agree. Taking courses in person is much better. I tried taking a full schedule all online and it was the worst decision I have made when it comes to school.

  13. I specifically choose in person classes because, I have no experience with online classes. Seeing everyone else's comments about online classes I am glad I have chosen in person. Now taking IS101 will help me navigate any online classes.

  14. I understand where you're coming from. Actually being physically in class is a lot more motivating than trying to figure out how to do assignments at home on your own.

  15. I much rather prefer a school environment as opposed to my residents as well. Humans are habitual and changing an environment can have significant affects on the way we perceive information.

  16. Hello Jesica I agree that I prefer to take classes in person because it is better to have an environment where it is easier to talked to and communicate with the professor.
