Saturday, March 5, 2022

Introspective blog

I wanted to come back to school this semester because I want to get my Associates next year. Last year was hectic to say the least, but now that things have settled down just a bit I decided to give school another shot. Part of me was excited to come back. Another part of me was scared that I would not be able to keep up since its been over a year since I took classes. But, this semester is better than initially anticipated! My proudest moment this semester hands down is when I took the Word unit exam... and I didn't even know it. Since I was behind on a lot of assignments I prioritized assignments by due dates. I saw all the assignments that were due by Saturday, and noticed that there was an "assignment" that was due by 2pm. That immediately set off alarms in my head and I just clicked on the exam and started it. I had no idea we were even supposed to do the practice labs first. For the first few minutes I remember thinking "Dang. It's a little hard to focus when the professor is talking about the bonus quiz answers....Wait. It's timed?!... HOW MANY LABS?!?!" Despite all of this, I still got a 95%! So, I guess it all worked out in the end! 😁


  1. Yes, you may have been rushed but your skills proved themselves in the Word Unit Exam :-)

    I am proud of your high score and the subsequent success in passing the MOS Word certification exam ^_^

    You will have more proud moments later in the semester!

  2. That may have helped...since you didn't realize it was *the* exam, some of the pressure to perform may have been off, psychologically speaking, and made it easier to relax a bit, and perform better.

    Maybe you should try this trick on yourself for all of these...

  3. Timed events always have more pressure, glad you got a good score regardless.

  4. That's good you look at the time things are due. Sometimes I just look at the day and automatically think 11:59 pm because that's the time most professors put the due date time at.

  5. Congratulations! I know how you feel, I got a bit stressed staring at the clock while taking the test too.

  6. Congratulations. That was probably the best way going in less stress.

  7. Congratulations. It good to be able to focus that well under pressure.

  8. No seriously I had some of the same thoughts. Trying to take the exam while trying not to be distracted by things that were being said was a lot. I did take a practice exam before trying the real one.

  9. Congrats! Timed things is really stressful, especially if it's a test/exam. It feels like you are going either too fast or too slow at times, but you just have to breath and make sure that you are understanding the question instead of worrying about the time.

  10. Good luck with your aspirations. Next year will be here before you know it. Good luck, and congrats.

  11. Nice! Seems like you were more prepared than you thought, I love when that happens.

  12. Congratulations! I get the same feeling sometimes.
