Saturday, March 19, 2022

TD06 & the bad news

Endnotes!!! The best thing I learned in word. I used to manually type in the numbers and change the font so it would look like an endnote. This would ultimately take like 10 minutes to make sure it did not look too out of place.

Lately I've been bummed out. I had an appointment last week and it did not turn out the way I was hoping. My doctor said I was still not cleared to drive due to ongoing symptoms. But, I was given a little bit of hope with my next appointment. Hopefully by the end of this month I am cleared to get my license back! Definitely a rough 8 months but I already made it this far. I guess that's all I have to share for today.


  1. Endnotes is a convenient feature indeed! Makes your document easy to manage and more professional ^_^

    Thank you for sharing what's going on in your life. Hope you get good news :-)

  2. Hope you get better soon and get your license back. Las Vegas and the United States in general is built to need a car. It's very inconvenient to have to rely on public transportation here. In Europe and South Korea I can say it's a lot more accessible if you have no car.

  3. Going along with Dimas said, I wish we had easy transportation like in EU and South Korea because it would be nice taking a train from Las Vegas to a different city for a mini staycation.

  4. Not being able to drive out here is rough...when I came out here, I didn't have a car, and it was not a good time. I did public transit for two years before I could afford a car, and it was miserable.

    The Southwest in particular, as a whole, more or less punishes people for not owning cars. Getting to work, class, or anything else becomes an epic struggle.

    I'm really hoping you get your license back ASAP.

  5. Endnotes are great when it comes to using word. It helps out a lot to make the paper look great!

  6. I hope you get your license back soon.

  7. I hope you feel better soon, and I hope you get your license back too!

  8. Interesting! Did it actually look like the endnotes we learn in this class?

  9. Yes I agree end not is a good feature. I hope everything work out for you.

  10. I love driving and I love having a car, but I really do wish public transportation was so much better. It's not great but even something like San Francisco or New York City would be much appreciated in Las Vegas.
