Saturday, March 26, 2022

TD07 & the interview

Hey! So I am currently unable to access all other blogger posts here at work, but I wanted to post something real quick. Yesterday a manager came up to me to tell me I have been selected for an interview! I was unable to apply for a new position until I was a year into my first promotion, but now that I am a year in I am super excited for what is to come! I have been eyeing this particular position for 7 months now so I am super excited to have the opportunity to do the interview! I will come back and add about a topic I learned if I need to, but for now that is all.

I am back! 

Data protection is such an amazing tool! Many people do not know how to navigate through Excel well, so it is one less thing to worry about when trying to share files. People can also unintentionally change something which could cause formulas or special rules to no longer work. I really like the fact that we can also add a pin so people who are intentionally trying to change data can not do so either.


  1. Welcome back and I hope your interview goes/went well ^_^

    You can set protection in Excel but it can be unprotected unless you require a password to unprotect what you protected!

    You also add a password requirement to even open the workbook :-)

  2. Good luck on your interview. I hope you get it

  3. Good luck on your interview!

    We used data protection all the time when I was a state employee; it was essential to making sure contractors couldn't go in and alter our checklists after they were sent out.

  4. That's really cool! Good luck on your interview.

  5. congrats on the opportunity! Good luck on the interview!

  6. I didn't know data protection was a thing in Excel until the lesson, but I can see the importance of it. Good luck on your interview.

  7. Nice! Good luck on the interview, you'll do great!

  8. My response is a bit late, but now that you share the great news with us in class today, I want to congratulate you on job interview success.

  9. Congratulations on the interview! I know you'll get it!

  10. I was in class on April 2nd and heard congratulation on your new position.

  11. ooo interviews are exciting! good luck!
